(click for more info and to Register for the Event)


Legislative Home Town Forum & Annual Legislative Breakfast are held late winter and early spring.  Legislators representing Wakefield and Lynnfield address the Chamber on issues relevant to business and the economy. This is an opportunity to ask questions and offer your opinion.

Blossoms at The Beebe takes place on a Saturday evening in April.  Blossoms is an annual party to welcome spring with your colleagues and customers in Wakefield’s gorgeous library. The event is a public / private partnership that benefits two organizations dedicated to serving their communities. Come for the company, stay for the live music, the signature cocktails, the appetizers and desserts, the silent auction, and the games. The event always draws a crowd. Website: http://www.blossomsatbeebe.com/

Annual Meeting is a fellowship opportunity that is held in June. The membership recognizes businesses that have distinguished themselves by their contributions to the quality of life in our communities. The event features a speaker to add something new to your own experience.

Summer Outing  is hosted at the Lake Quannapowitt Yacht Club and enjoyed by many members in August.  Purely social. Purely fun.

 Wakefield 101 is an event co-hosted with the Town of Wakefield on a Thursday in May and November.  New residents are invited to the library for conversation with Chamber representatives, town contacts, and local organizations.  This is an opportunity tWo learn more about the wonderful town.  Chamber members have an opportunity to include information about their company in a “welcome bag” that is given to each registered resident.  Website: http://www.wakefield.ma.us/new-residents

Living Well Health Fair is scheduled for a Saturday August 10th, from 9am-12pm.  Businesses can display their products and explain their services in a trade show format adjacent to the Farmer’s Market (468 North Ave/Hall Park). This is a free community event with kids and family activities, healthy living businesses, and lifestyle and fitness resources. For more information or to participate, email us at:  info@wakefieldareachamberofcommerce.org

Children’s Halloween Costume Party is for Wakefield’s younger citizens and their parents.  The Chamber hosts this annual event to show off those costumes in a safe environment.



Young Professionals – Events held throughout the year to encourage young professionals, and young at heart, to enjoy time away from the office.

Multi-Chamber Networking Events – Four events a year hosted by different area Chambers, this event draws over 200 participants from 12 chambers along the Route 128, 3 and 93 corridors.  An optional seminar takes place 4:30pm-5:30pm with networking 5:30-7:30.

Women in Business Events – is a bi-monthly meeting of local professional women with a variety of excellent speakers presenting on a number of interesting and timely topics, the Women in Business events are always a sell-out.